i wish i cud give u 10 stars for the question..
and pennywise u mentioned to boot! jeeez, dem is the absolute worst!
u wuda think they cud atleast have some trained ppl in there.
sometime i feel as though im begging for their products!
i have real bad experiences in there.
they never bother to look for what u want.
they have no kind of manners.
they answer u as though u are bothering them or wasting their time.
if is ask for your opinion on something (its your job, u shud atleast have some kind knowledge bout it) dont answer me an say
"i doh know nah, i doh use them kinda thing, steups......dais all?" sh!t man..
oh an put ah blasted smile on yuh hard pan nah, half of them face does be so screw up...
arrrgghhh, i wish they get their act together, im really getting turned off from there..
oh, being honest, is not all of them so u know, but most, u see the ones who plast ah set of makeup on the face & feel they have some kinda looks, them is the worst ones....