Do you have a problem with customer service in TnT?
2008-07-17 09:08:37 UTC
Or.. is just me? Because I want to know if I mad. When I have to beg ppl in Pennywise for some attention or it look like I getting free food so my tail have to wait after the "so called customer service ppl finish bad talking the new girl inside".
Thirteen answers:
jus jaz
2008-07-17 14:11:47 UTC
Well l from Chaguanas and l glad yuh specify Pennywise!!

In the Chaguanas branch, by the cashiers, in front, on the side and behind, they have a set of "words of wisdom' quotes.

Me ah Wednesday morning in Pennywise:

Excuse me, yuh could give me an idea what this color hair dye look like so l'll know if it's what l want? (meaning taking a piece of paper and blotting the dye so ah could see the true color)

The clerk: Me eh ha no time wit dat right now nah, and a matter-ah-fact we eh supposed to open the ting!

Me: Well the only reason l asked is because the girls don't mind showing me.

She: Well if they accustom showing yuh dat mean yuh have ah idea arready what they look like then!

Me: Well l never saw this one before....

She: Yeah, dais ah new one we get yesterday! (??!!)

At this point ah loss it, an ah rest one ah they "quotes" on she @ss............" ENSURE BRAIN IS IN GEAR BEFORE ENGAGING MOUTH (bi-t-ch)!! Shi t man!
2008-07-21 01:32:52 UTC
Sometimes I wonder if Trinidad has the worst customer service on earth! Pennywise in Grand Bazaar has always been a sore point for me! The worst service I ever got though was at Ruby Tuesday in Movietowne when I ordered some chicken tenders in BBq sauce with some blue cheese dressing..First the girl brought the wrong thing (slamming it down) I gently told her that I ordered something different, so she steupsed loudly and took it away, bringing me the wrong order again! I mentioned this to her and very loudly she said "You shoulda asked for what it is you want!" I told her that I did, and she walked away again! At that point, my mom and I were a little scared...I mean I am used to bad service at places like Royal Castle, but even there they wouldn't shout at me! Eventually I went to a manager who said "Oh...she...yes, we have problems with that one!" They gave us a different waitress and everything was fine until I went to pay my bill with Linx where I heard the waitress say "Dat F$%#ing woman!" I wasn't sure if she meant me or her boss....but I do my best not to go there!

Most places have poor service, I think its just a part of our reality - maybe if tourism develops some more it may get better, but I used to work in the service industry and while we all had our bad days, its not THAT hard to put it aside to do the job! From what I saw, it wasn't that much better in Tobago, although I guess it depends on where you go!
Petra M
2008-07-19 11:58:59 UTC
Strangely enough, the workers in the Point Fortin KFC Branch are pretty nice. But I remember the workers in Royal Castle before the building burned down....dem people was de worse I ever had to deal with. Number one; they were too damn slow and Number two; they were seriously lacking in de manners department. But then again, allyuh have to consider the fact that not only does Trinidad have bad customer service in some places....they also have a bit of rude customers who usually put workers in a stink mood, if you know what I mean. Some customers need to learn some good manners too! (Not saying that allyuh unmannerly, eh)
hottawarrior - win lose or draw
2008-07-17 17:24:53 UTC
lawd, allyuh had to go Pennywise, like they does train them in bad customer service.

you could go and stand by the counter for an hour, they will watch you there and continue their conversation on what happened the evening before when they went home, whether they hungry or not, what they just ate.

I actually saw one bend down behind the counter to eat while it had people waiting to be served.

and dont think to ask for service while dey writing down what they trying to order for the next day nah, cause you sure not getting any then.

Overall, customer service in T&T sucks. but what do you expect when they working for minimum wage and hadda work for 10 hours per day without overtime, and barely enough time to have a meal.
2008-07-17 10:32:14 UTC
I can agree with you some places I just hate going because of the treatment that I get!

What yuh go say about the Fast Food resturants or Government Agencies (doh mind I work for the Government and our Customer Service here at work is good )
Ocean C
2008-07-17 10:24:02 UTC
Trinitrish rest assured that you are not the only one.

I had to call a particular company in Trinidad and that

phone call left me in shock. They were rude and not

quite knowledgeable about what they were doing.

I have heard other people complain about poor customer

service in Trinidad as well. A customer should not be made

to feel as if they are beneath those who are there to

provide customer service.

However there are those who do provide quality customer care

service in Trinidad and Tobago. It is never a pleasant

experience when you have to deal with poor customer

2016-05-25 12:51:16 UTC
one of those magnetic tags? I would be annoyed too If I had the receipt I would take them back But without one - I would remove it myself Using a small homemade electro magnet. saw a simple one on a TV science show And I think my science teacher demonstrated one - yes it was years ago The only thing I would need to look for is the Copper wire It would have been listed with your purchases of the food and stuff on your Tesco loyalty Card. So you might get a money off voucher for clothes soon.
2008-07-18 06:34:39 UTC
It's not just you girl...

Same thing... and you know the ppl in Pennywize notice you, but they just too lazy to get up so you have to basically flad them down like a maxi just to ask them to pass a bloody bottle of shampoo, lol.

But generally, I think KFC is the worse service ever!
2008-07-17 10:20:13 UTC
i wish i cud give u 10 stars for the question..

and pennywise u mentioned to boot! jeeez, dem is the absolute worst!

u wuda think they cud atleast have some trained ppl in there.

sometime i feel as though im begging for their products!

i have real bad experiences in there.

they never bother to look for what u want.

they have no kind of manners.

they answer u as though u are bothering them or wasting their time.

if is ask for your opinion on something (its your job, u shud atleast have some kind knowledge bout it) dont answer me an say

"i doh know nah, i doh use them kinda thing, steups......dais all?" sh!t man..

oh an put ah blasted smile on yuh hard pan nah, half of them face does be so screw up...

arrrgghhh, i wish they get their act together, im really getting turned off from there..

oh, being honest, is not all of them so u know, but most, u see the ones who plast ah set of makeup on the face & feel they have some kinda looks, them is the worst ones....
2008-07-17 11:04:42 UTC
geeeze and ages yuh choose re$h topic dey.

You have to come back to the mindset of these people. They are the same ones to complain and say "who she feel she is" when they get poor CS.

Yet they don't see how the lack of CS affects them, esp. when most of them work on commissions. Already in their minds they are thinking "this is ah low status wuk" so when you the customer approach them they are looking to "get back" at you because they think that you don't respect them or you "feel" that you bigger than them. When infact i just want a damn toothbrush NOT your life story.

So we could try to approach these people in a lil different manner. In other words kill them with kindness, yes i know it hard but try it. It works for me ....not all the time but i get my order before some people.
2008-07-17 13:58:55 UTC
LOL...for real dred.. I doh get bad service when I go pennywise, but when I go in kfc and some a dem stores on high street, is attitude fuh dayz... I does TRY meh bess tuh juss ignore dem and kill dem wit kindness....
2008-07-19 21:03:39 UTC
Actually I think they hire pigs to serve you in Pennywise, because them gyuls have the lock on sour. It's like they have to suck lime before they shift starts.
2008-07-17 11:35:14 UTC
I agree with Julien polite and dont feel braced if/when they remain the end of the day its nothing personal and say what ?i understand why you may get irked by someones' attitude but say what life too short to let people you don't know affect you nice and sometimes you're surprised when they change and be nice or helpful to you .....

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