Hear nah... I bounce in the possee room this morning but allyuh make meh feel so happy I had to revisit my old profile and ask for a roll call!
So possee... where yuh at???
Come out... identify!!
Eleven answers:
2008-02-16 10:21:48 UTC
Jouvert in de house! Long time allyuh!
2008-02-16 02:15:05 UTC
Hello everybody, Ashti's in de house.
Aye TS, yuh real getting kiss up boy.
2008-02-15 16:18:19 UTC
Morning girl.Way yuh was?
Morning posse.Muahhhh to everyone
2008-02-13 10:45:47 UTC
All yuh doh sleep?! TS checking in.
2008-02-13 23:57:25 UTC
Trinisam here miss!!!
How allyuh goin?
Have a nice afternoon everyone!!!!
Izzy B
2008-02-13 14:43:51 UTC
ILLLLLLLLYYYYY!!!!! look meh girl - i didn't give you a shout out yesterday when i was doing meh lil shout out to my sugar dumpling TS....but MUAH!!! dais fuh you
2008-02-13 11:41:31 UTC
present miss !!!! Julien here
loud and clear from Cipriani Boulevard Port-of-Spain
2008-02-13 19:18:05 UTC
Curious G present!
Hey i sent you an email, but i dont know if u'll be able to reply so here's my email add....babee_girl_gem@yahoo....